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Frosty's Heating & Cooling - The next wave in home comfort

Acadia Low Temperature
Heat Pumps
Air Quality Control
Central Air Conditioners
Home Heating
Hot Water Heaters
Radiant Floor Heating

Electric and Gas Furnaces / Fireplaces / Boilers

Electric Furnaces
Electric furnaces are forced air furnaces that use a series of coils instead of a heat exchanger to heat a home.  When the thermostat senses a drop in temperature, it alerts the furnace.  The heating coils within the furnace begin to turn hot  through the passage of electrical currents. The heated coils then heat the temperature of the surrounding air as the furnace blower distributes it throughout the house via the ductwork. One hundred percent of the energy consumed goes towards the heating of the home.

Gas Furnaces
Gas furnaces are high-efficient condensing furnaces and vented using PVC piping, usually through the outside wall of your home.  When choosing a gas furnace, opt for a model with a high electrical efficiency rating.  Even though the furnace will operate using natural gas, electricity powers the fan motor.  By choosing a gas furnace with a variable speed fan motor (ECM or DC motors) the unit is even more efficient and saves you money.  The fan motor  “ramps up or down” based on thermostat readings and can significantly lower your energy consumption.

Another option is a two-stage gas furnace.  Two-stage heating dual output levels enable burners to operate on low or high depending on the thermal needs of any given day. These units run at lower capacity until extra power is needed to keep temperatures consistent.  Two-stage furnaces always start at the lower level, and in most climates are sufficient 60% to 80% of the time.   As all burners are not used continually, these units save fuel, and are more energy-efficient.  They are also quieter to operate as the burners turn on gradually and provide better air quality as air is constantly circulating throughout the home.

We look forward to an opportunity to meet and discuss your home heating requirements.  Contact us at 204.470.6239 or via e-mail at